Friday, 7 July 2017

Research into Similar Products: Initial Ideas

For our A2 coursework we had the option to create either the following:

  • Music Video 
  • Film Trailer 
  • Short film 
  • Regional Magazine 

 I have already decided what I want to create for my A2 coursework. Doing a film trailer means i could look at various different genres I am interested in it. gives me the chance to study different types of camera shots and how I can implement them into my work. I am interested in either comedy, drama, thriller or horror. Below are some film trailers that I believe show a wide variety of different genres that appeal to me. each film trailer, depending on the genre, use different types of camera shots and angles. For example in an Action Movie there may be an over the shoulder shot or the camera would follow a specific character. This would create a sense of leadership about this characters. Hero or foe.

Each of these film trailers have different types of genres, especially the ones I particularly want to focus on. However from viewing the trailers there is a clear overlap of genres, within a few of them. Although each film is vastly different and have different budgets there are various similarities between the four trailers:

- Each trailer has a soundtrack which is suitable for that specific genre of film which is parallel to the synopsis of the film. For example IT uses a very light soundtrack to begin with. This doesn't create much suspense until it stops to allow the characters to speak which concluded with the balloon exploding. The music preceding this was eerie and created tension suitable for the genre, however the Friends with Benefits trailer has an upbeat soundtrack which also uses the song. 'Closing Time' by  Semisonic, which fits with the film's comedic genre. The use of a well known song may make people more inclined to watch the film as it may be a song they have heard before and one that they are able  to relate to it.

- Two of the trailers have a narrative which describes the basis for the movie without giving too much away. This allows the audience to decide whether they would like to watch the film or not. It gives more information to the audience about the plot line of the film leaving the rest to the imagination of the audience. Narratives give the audience a deeper understanding of the film's story line therefore engaging the audience more and drawing them in to view the film.

- Text is used especially in the films title. It is also used to show critics quotes to demonstrate how good the film is, or to give information about the narrative or taglines. For example, to draw the audience in, IT uses "From Stephen king's terrifying novel" any horror enthusiast will feel they would have to watch the film themselves to gain this experience.

From just looking at these trailers I have understood basic features of a good trailer and these are ones I have found to be rather effective. I may of not covered all of the features, but will be able to do this when I look into more trailers over the coming weeks and months.

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