Saturday, 10 February 2018

Research into Similar Products: Little White Lies Magazine Cover

Today I've decided to look at a different magazine, Little White Lies.
Immediately these covers of Little White Lies is visually striking. They incorporate a different approach to a movie magazine. They all have a drawn cover that has been created by an artist. Apart from this the cover of this magazine is rather plain and doesn't incorporate much use in cover lines and other usual conventions of a movie magazine.

We can see conventions which are a necessity for a successful magazine in general, like the masthead, main image/ main cover line, bar code. The main image is suppose to be eye catching for the audience and I feel that this particular type of magazine does this successfully due to it having a graphic main image instead of a photography which mostly appears in other magazines like empire. Little white lies are unique and aesthetic which would grab the reader's attention. I like the way that this magazine portrays film in their covers. Some would say that Little white lies Portrays film as a modern day art form. The main focus is the main image and the creators of Little White Lies rely heavily on the image to do the talking with a limited amount of word.

I have found out, through research, that the main demographic for Little white Lies is anyone who loves film as the language used is widely universal. This magazine would appeal to anyone who loves film. Overall I really like Little White Lies due to their different approach to a music magazine. I think they would be a suitable choice for a music magazine As they have done some big films such as Star Wars and even did a cover for 'The Road' which is a similar film to my own. However although I like this magazine a great deal, creating it will not be an easy task and there are various other magazines that will suit my film like empire which I am researching into. Nevertheless i will take time to research more and make a decision in the next few days. 

although I am not sure if I'm doing Little White Lies as a magazine I have looked at the various processes that are used in the creation of the magazine in the form of this video below:

From this we can see how the cover is constructed along with the whole magazine. It is released on a monthly basis.

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