Saturday 16 December 2017

Organisation: Change of Shooting Days

After filming on the 4th and 5th of November I realized that I needed more days to shoot. Originally I intended to plan to shoot between the 9-10th of December which was a weekend and when my actors would of been free to film. However due to the extreme whether conditions surrounding these few days this was impossible to do. As a result I have changed My shooting day to the weekend commencing the 16th (Today)  and the 17th December. I will be able to shoot the scenes I was not able to last week. Therefore this will mean I will have the majority of my scenes Filmed and done and can begin with the editing process. I may still have one or two scenes still needing to be filmed however these are small scenes and can be done within a few hours of my last shooting day.

Hopefully all will go as planned and I will be able to film the scenes i intend and then i will only have one more shooting date for my final scenes 

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