Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Research into Target Audience : Film Title Survey (SNAPCHAT)

I had came up with a list of names I thought would be good for my story and plot. However there were quite a few I liked but to help me decided I asked my target audience and demographic what they thought would be the best title for my film. I also linked them my story so they could understand the story and therefore have the chance to think  about which one. This is how the Survey went. 

All of the people I asked, who replied, felt that 'Underneath the Mushroom Cloud' was the best choice for my film which I now agree with as i think it is quite original and links to the story of my film well. The others i thought were very good, but my target audience has spoken therefore i will go with their decision.  

                      The Title of my Film Trailer is 'Underneath The Mushroom Cloud' 


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