Sunday 10 December 2017

Organisation: Editing software

For the post production of my trailer it is essential to have some editing software which can effectively construct a successful trailer structure yet easy to understand and use. Editing is perhaps the most important aspect of film making as films such as ''Star Wars'' were edited multiple times which made a ''New Hope'' much better then its original first cut. I have decided that whilst I film i will also edit my trailer as i go along as this will give me more time to go back and edit if needs be.

The Software that I am using to edit my final piece is Serif movie plus as I find this a reliable and easy piece of editing software to use. I have used Serif Movie Plus before for the school video last year. I found it an incredibly easy tool to use whilst it was able to put together a great quality video for the school. Using this software is ideal as I already have some prior knowledge of how to use it therefore I will be able to produce my film trailer much more quickly without having to worry about learning the different processes within the application.

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