Monday, 4 December 2017

Organisation : Shot List

I have created a shot list now that I have completed a script so that I have a clear idea of how what footage I need to film and how it must be filmed. Once again, these may change during the filming if they do not appear how I want to and work better with a different shot, however having an idea and being organised before filming is a good idea so that I do not go in completely clueless. 
I have printed off several copies of both the script and the shot list so that I can give my actors a copy, as they need to know their lines of course using the script, and I believe the shot list will help them understand what they need to be doing in more depth as they will know how they are being filmed. I will also be able to offer verbal feedback if the shots are not working. The timings are also helpful as they give me an awareness of how long each of these shots should be, preventing me from creating a trailer that is either too long or too short. I was quite harsh with my timings and therefore I think the finished result may be longer than 2 minutes and 5 seconds. I am not going to allow the trailer to be longer than around 2 minutes 30 - 40 seconds. 

Now that I have a shot list and the script, I am going to create an updated storyboard as well as an animatic so that all of this information is gathered in one place and presented in an easier fashion for me to reflect on when filming.

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