Saturday 23 December 2017

Research into Similar Products: Blade Runner 2049 Film Poster

Now all filming is pretty much complete i can begin editing and turning my attention to the ancillary products. I have briefly looked at and analysed both ancillary products which are the poster and the magazine front cover but now i can focus these attention to them both and begin to formulate ideas by looking at both products. I have recently looked at a film magazine so i will begin analyzing a film posters and have a list of different film posters i like and i can find inspiration from and implement into my final product. I will be strictly looking at Action posters as this is the genre I am doing.

Blade Runner 2049

The title of this poster is very bold and in your face using a very suitable typography for its poster and for the film, suggesting the kind of film it is to the audience. The film has a variety of genres, which i have researched into, such as action adventure and science fiction. The way the title of the film is presented connotes both of these genres as it uses a futuristic font. The title of the film is situated in the center of the poster towards the bottom and draws the audience to it as it is big, bold and has be placed so it can be seen but not obscure the main image. This is something I could incorporate into my own poster. I like the way the typography is used and my own moving image project is set in the near future so I like the idea of having a font which implies this. The name of the title film also suggests a futuristic vibe as 2049 is in the future.  Above the title we see two names which correlate with the two large men of the main image to show who these are.

The main images shows the main characters, protagonists and antagonists, who are strategically placed to suggest certain aspects about their characters. K (Ryan Gosling) and Deckard (Harrison Ford) are both seen towering over the other characters on the poster suggesting that they are superior or will end up victorious by the films final acts. The other two characters are smaller yet Leto's character is placed in exactly the same place as Gosling's character on the red side suggesting an evil nature. Leto's character is the antagonist of the movie. 

The background uses the contrast of two colours, red and blue, to simply suggest the battle between good and evil. Gosling's character is placed on the line between the two colours which suggests that there is an inner turmoil within his character or an evil side whereas Harrison's character is more in the blue suggesting he is more morally good. The background also shows us some areas that will also possible be explored which give off a futuristic vibe for example the flying cars on the blue side.

This is a poster I like a lot. Although there is no tagline I will do more research into different posters to see if I should have one. This poster has inspired me to think about my typography more for my poster and to give it a futuristic vibe. By conducting research into typography I should be able to find a suitable font style for my poster. Also i like the way the characters are organised in this poster and all are looking away giving a heroic look, except for the girl in middle who is making eye contact with the audience.

I will certainly look back at this poster when formulating my ideas due to its simple design and how it easily suggests the genre and film narrative.

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