Friday, 26 January 2018

Research into Similar Products/Organisation Paramount pictures

Paramount is the fifth oldest surviving film studio in the world the second oldest in the United States, and the sole member of the "Big Six" film studios still located in the Los Angeles.
The reason to why I think this distributor would be a possible contender is because it has done hundreds of actions films over the years but has recently decided to reboot the Terminator series, with planned reboots in the near future, and World War Z. The genre of these films is similar to mine in terms of a post - apocalyptic settings and action. Paramount are know to make Post apocalyptic films Other Examples would be War of the Worlds and Cloverfield which have a apocalyptic theme. This would mean that its highly likely that paramount would do a film like mine in terms of story. I think paramount is a good option for my trailer as they are a large company and have made films similar to mine.

This is the logo sequence for paramount pictures 

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