Saturday 3 February 2018

Research into Target Audience : Age Rating

After doing my presentation a few months ago I mentioned that i wanted my film to be a 12 Age rating, however many of those i was presenting to felt this was too low after i had showed them my ideas and presentation. They felt that a 15 was more suitable for my film which i agree as this allowed me to explore more possible scenes for my trailer which you wouldn't find in a 12 but rather a 15

Films classified 15 contain material suitable for those aged 15 and over. A film qualifies to be rated 15 under these circumstances:

  • Drug taking can be shown, however it must not be promoted or encouraged.
  • There may be racist, homophobic or other discriminatory themes and language. It must not be endorsed by the film as a whole.
  • There may be strong language. Very strong language may be permitted given the context and circumstances.
  • There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context. Sexual activity may be portrayed, but usually without strong detail.
  • Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury.
I feel that this is the suitable age certification for my film. Although we may not see all of this in the trailer if i think about the wider film then a 15 is the right choice.

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