Thursday 1 March 2018

Research into similar products : Typography for Poster.

From looking at my poster draft and the research i have conducted it is imperative that i use appropriate typography for my poster which will reflect my film and its genre whilst being eye catching and interesting for viewers.

My film is action adventure and post apocalyptic. I have research into various typography that can be used in my poster and if i like them i may transfer them over to my Magazine if its needed. The fonts that i have looked  at are:

Tagline fonts

  • Jangly Walk 
  • PIO

Image result for jangly walk font
Image result for PIO font
Main Title 

  • HeadlinerNo.45
  • Boring lesson 

Image result for headliner No.45
Image result for boring lesson font
Poster Credits 

  • SteelTongs

Image result for steel tongs

I will use these poster fonts to see which one will look best for my ideal vision for my ancillary poster. The steel tongs font is the generic font used for poster credits at the bottom of the poster. I will most likely use this for my poster as it is common among posters today. The others i will experiment with in a future blog post. This means doing a survey to see what my audience feels is the best for the poster.  

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