Friday, 2 March 2018

Research into Target Audience: Tagline

In an earlier blog post I looked at potential taglines for my poster. Taglines are important for posters as it gives more insight into the film for the audience and can make them remember the film more if they have a catchy one.

Here is the link for that blog post where i recently discussed taglines.

From this post i came up with a wide of variety of taglines which are linked with my film. However due to this being quite a while ago some of them may not suitable for my film anymore as some of them appear quite comical. Here are all of the taglines i can up with:

  • At least it can't get any worse ... or can it?
  • No one is safe 
  • He's coming
  • There Are No Days Off
  • A group of dysfunctional idiots and radiation poisoning. Two of his favourite things.  
  • Hunt before You're Hunted 
  • They have a plan ... but not a clue   
The taglines I am thinking of removing from the list are:

  • A group of dysfunctional idiots and radiation poisoning. Two of his favourite things.  
  • They have a plan ... but not a clue   
originally i liked these taglines but they are no longer suitable for my poster as I intend to create a dark looking poster which i don't think these would fit in. Also they are quite comical which isn't my main genre at all and would make them look out of place.

The final taglines are 

  1. At least it can't get any worse ... or can it?
  2. No one is safe 
  3. He's coming
  4. There are no days off
  5. Hunt before You're Hunted
For these final five taglines i have asked audience to suggest which one they think is best through a Facebook messenger survey 

From doing a survey most people thought that 'Hunt Before You're Hunted' is the best choice as due to what it implies and it being easily remembered. I personal also like this tagline as it gives deeper understanding to my film and how the main protagonist is hunting the people who his brother was taken by.

This is the tagline i shall use for my final poster.

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