Thursday, 12 October 2017

Research into Target Audience: BBFC Age certification

For my moving image project I also need to decide on a film classification. To allow myself to do this I am going to research into different classification and eventually decide which one I feel would be suitable for my film trailer.

12A/12 classified films are primarily suitable for ages 12 years and over. Anybody who is younger than 12 cannot see a 12A film in a cinema unless they are with an adult who is over the age of 18. An adult should also consider whether they should take a child under 12 to a 12A if they deem it not suitable by referring to the circumstances
  • Drugs - Infrequent use of drugs and mustn't give detailed instructions on use or how to consume. Drug usage shouldn't be glamorised either.
  • Language -  Moderate language may be included however strong language may be permitted depending on how it is used, what individual is using the language and how frequent it is throughout the work.
  • Nudity - Nudity in a sexual context must be discreet and brief however nudity may be included.
  • Sex - Needs to be brief and discreet however references are permitted but continuous crude references are most likely to be unacceptable and portrayed in the film.
  • Threat - physical and psychological threat must be moderate. Overall tone of film shouldn't be disturbing however scenes can be.
  • Violence - Moderate violence not to dwell on detail. lack of emphasis on blood and injury but occasional gore if justified by context. sexual violence may only be implied or briefly indicated.
  • Discrimination - must be endorsed Aggressive discriminatory language or behaviour is unlikely to be acceptable unless clearly condemned.    
Films classified 15 contain material suitable for those aged 15 and over. A film qualifies to be rated 15 under these circumstances:

  • Drug taking can be shown, however it must not be promoted or encouraged.
  • There may be racist, homophobic or other discriminatory themes and language. It must not be endorsed by the film as a whole.
  • There may be strong language. Very strong language may be permitted given the context and circumstances.
  • There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context. Sexual activity may be portrayed, but usually without strong detail.
  • Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury.

Films classified 18 contain material suitable for those aged 18 and over. A film qualifies to be rated 18 when many elements, from drug references, violence, discrimination, language and sexual content is explicit and strong. There are circumstances in which even this material may be too explicit, such as the detailed portrayal of violent acts which may make it look appealing, or sexual violence that ma even be illegal. As these circumstances are the only exceptions, 18-rated films do not have many constraints as the viewers will be adults.

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