Thursday, 18 January 2018

Research into Similar Product: The Wolverine

The name at the top is 'Hugh Jackman' which is key to the film and the poster as it is placed on its own showing he is the main actor in the film. The name being by itself means it can take up more space on the poster and will attract a larger audience due to his global fame as an actor already.

Hugh Jackman's character, 'The Wolverine' is in the centre of the main image to show he himself is the main attraction and focus of the film. No other characters are shown as they would only distract the audience from the main selling point of the film. This being 'The Wolverine'

In the main image we see 'The Wolverine' on his knees which suggest a sense of weakness and vulnerability to the character. Having the claws out suggests that this is his last stand. This would create more interest for the audience as they want to know what he is fighting and what could possibly bring 'The Wolverine' to his knees. The background shows a destroyed city suggesting a great threat to humanity and not just 'The Wolverine' We can also see him shirtless showing a incredibly powerful and strong man. This may also appeal to a female audience due to his muscular physique.The claws are also a selling point for the film as he is best know for his claws

Towards the bottom of the poster we can see the 'Coming Soon' which creates a sense of anticipation, curiosity and interest into the film as the audience aren't be giving a huge amount of information about the film. For audiences, who want to read into the film more, their is a website underneath the 'Coming Soon' This is so that audiences can visit and find more information about the film on the website due to the lack of information given by the poster. Underneath the website is hashtag. The #TheWolverine is a way for the film companies to market their film but without spending any money. People who use the hashtag, on social media, are essentially spreading the word around about the film. The more that people use the hashtag then are marketing the film without the film company spending any money . It is and effective form of viral marketing through social media. This means film companies can spend a little less money on marketing.

The 'Marvel' logo is clearly visible which is a company with a large and loyal fan base. The logo gives the film instant credibility and will draw in a wider audience as marvel have created great super hero flicks. Audiences who know a film is by marvel film studios will be more inclined to watch the as it comes from a very successful film company.

Overall i like this poster because of its direct and use of dark colours which suggests a dark film. I feel this is too simplistic poster but it does suggest much about the themes of the film. I will carefully consider what type of poster i want to create. We Japan in the background. A common theme of all the posters I have looked at is having the setting in the background.

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