Friday 12 January 2018

Research into Target Audience: Feedback on Song Choice

I have now looked at 'Can't go on without you' And 'Gimme Shelter' and have conducted a survey on various social media to find the best one for my trailer. Below are the two songs. 

To get in touch with my target audience I have done my survey on a different form of social media to Snapchat, Instagram. I have asked my audience for feedback on which song they feel will be the best for my trailer which i will use at various points of the trailer. Both songs have appropriate lyrics which relates to what is happening within the trailer whilst being parallel to the shot and reflecting the tone and mood correctly. After narrowing down the music options in the previous post, and given a new suggestion for a song I have asked a group of friends who fit the target age of 15+ which is my films age rating which one they think works best.

Instagram Survey

The scene in which the music would go with is the fight scene i have recorded. I have shown them this scene by linking the blog post to them. They viewed each clip and decided which one would,ve been the best.


This is just a handful of my survey's however each of them had said the same that 'I can't go On without you' is a far better choice as this song has a ''eerie tone'' that goes with my trailer,''reflects that of the genre of your work'' and ''Lyrics are trying to reflect the dystopian world you are trying to build''. This is exactly what I want for this song and the scene showing the dystopian landscape. This song would be a suitable choice. Also the lyrics of this song ''Can't go on without you'' suggest that Grey cannot go on without his brother. Overall i am pleased with this song choice, at first i was adamant that i would chose 'Gimme Shelter' but now feel 'Can't go on without you' is much better as it gives a darker tone to the trailer and fits the world I am trying to create.

FINAL SONG CHOICE: 'Can't Go On Without You' by Kaleo 

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