Friday 9 March 2018

Organisation: Intertitles

An inter title is printed dialogue or narration that is shown between scenes in a film trailer or silent film.  dialogue intertitles can be used to convey character dialogue or narrative intertitles or expository intertitles can be used to provide related descriptive or narrative material.

Primarily i will be using expository intertitles here are a few examples: 

In my feedback it was suggested that i use intertitles in my trailer to help the audience have a deeper understanding of what is going on in the trailer. These intertitles i have created are influenced by 
The Road's intertitles highlighting themes of desperation and survival and only having one word on a few of them. The intertitles appearing in my trailer appear below:  

As suggested by my teacher I have decided to put this inter-title at the beginning of my trailer as he believed that this would be a good place to put it and may draw audience's in if they know that the film is being made by another famous film. For the purpose of this inter-title i have made up a fictional film called Chinatown. 

The next three inserts can give extra context to the film and emphasise the type of film that is being portrayed in this trailer. They add a deeper understanding for audiences and are like guidelines for the post apocalyptic setting of the film. It also adds suspense as audiences would be unaware of what they are to 'Hide' from for example. 

This gives audiences a clear general idea of when the film will be released and allows them to build anticipation for when the release of the film. 

This once again emphasises the post apocalyptic setting. This also has a double meaning as it suggests that the films setting is at the end of the world in terms of location but also the literal end of the world. 

These two intertitles both suggest the action genre to the audience and are giving a choice to the audience

The Title of the film appears in much bigger size so it stands out to the audience more and so it lasts with them so they remember the film

I designed my intertitles with a black background and with red lettering to make the text stand out. it also links with the colour scheme of my magazine also creating continuity of themes across products  Because i added in these inter titles i was able to remove of some dialogue as i felt that these inter-titles did the job in explaining the movie and creating anticipation and excitment around the movie in less the time then a clip would. 
All of these inter-titles i believe perfectly fit in with my trailer and my film overall

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