Sunday 29 October 2017

Organisation : Exploration of camera angles

 When I film my camera will need to explore different camera angles as instructed in the script. Therefore to help me get some practice in I have done a few camera shots in school just so i can understand and utilise this better when i come to film.

I decided to us my friend Ben as the model for these shots 

POV -Shot  
low angle shot 
High angle shot 

Tracking Shot 
Over the shoulder shot 

Medium Close up

These are not all the I intend to use as there are others like panning shot or wide shot. However, these shots imply much about certain characters like status or authority or vulnerability. further more i will try to incorporate as many camera angles as possible.

Friday 27 October 2017

Organisation: Location - part 1

Lickey Hills

Availability: 24/7. 

Scene: I will be using this location to shoot various scenes, such as the characters trekking through here trying to get to where they are going. I have also considered having a shot that sets the scene for the film with this specific location. Having a voice over as well talking about the harmful effects of radiation and the all residence should '' Retreat to their nearest shelter ''. An action film requires a fighting scene. when ever I have imagined a fight sequence for this particular plot I have imagined it taking place in the wilderness such as this location. I may not use this location right away as there are other places to consider but it is useful to have this location as a backup. It is nice and remote which suits the ethos of the trailer and I think beautiful shots can be created here.  

I have been here multiple times and as I know the area there is no real cause for concern when it comes to safety. As this is a public area no permissions are needed to film here. 24/7 access. I think highly of this area as to me this is perfect from filming. 

This is the first part of my location post as I also need to explore some other possible locations for filming which I will showcase in a future blog post.

Monday 23 October 2017

Drafting and Planning: Character List and Cast

Characters are a vital part of a film. Without them the audience cannot engage with the film and will find it hard seek out anything relatable to themselves. They make us laugh, cry and overall excite audiences with their personality, look, relationship with friends and foe and how their part will lead to the story unfolding. I have created a character list with a brief summary of their personality, back story and appearance. Characters require actors to play them. The people I have chosen to perform in my moving image project all have acting experience. I trust them all to work well together and follow direction effectively.

Character's list 

- Liam Westmoreland 
Youngest of two brothers. Prior to the war he was weapons technician who invented the most devastating infantry weapon known to man. This leads to him being abducted and forced to make it by the main antagonist. He is portrayed in formal wear a shirt, glasses etc. His role in the trailer is very small only appearing for a few seconds.

Actor - Ben Wildsmith

Ben is a trusted friend who I feel can deliver a realistic and trusted performance. Furthermore Ben is enthusiastic and understands the type of trailer I want to create therefore can contribute any ideas, Ben is outgoing and fun guy who goes for anything he does with integrity and effort. Therefore I know I can get a well rehearsed and well thought out performance from Ben.

- Grey Westmoreland 
Older brother of Liam. Was a private in the military and was based at the same facility as his younger brother for a time. He is more of a soldier then his brother. He is physically more superior yet some of his brother's intelligence has brushed off onto him, only beginning to understand what the fate of the world would look like if his brothers weapon is created and wielded by the bandits  present for his brothers abduction he walks for days after the ambush and stumbles across potential allies ... or enemies. A roguish outfit with a undershirt vest boots and black trousers. occasionally wearing a hoodie or jacket.

Actor - Adam Tooley    
I am, at the moment, playing this role myself whilst directing. Although he is one of the main characters I feel that there is more to focus on then just the main character himself. I do have acting experience as I do drama as another a-level However this decision of me playing the character may change. 

- Jack ''Sheriff'' Sinclair 
Was a police chief prior to the events of this trailer, Sinclair is a sophisticated individual who appears as one of the main characters. Being in the position he is in he becomes one of the characters with authority over the others, however this is challenged by Grey's obsessive need to find his brother leading to these two characters locking horns from time to time. He's a fair and just individual who treats everyone as equals however has times of uncontrolled aggression especially towards the enemy. Wears a Stetson, denim jacket, holster and pistol giving off a very cliché cowboy look to the audience. A scarf round his neck and a pair of eye goggles.

Actor - Harry Rose 

Harry is a well experienced actor. He utilizes a range of impressive techniques to create a realistic characterisation. That's why I believe Harry would be perfect for a role such as this, as he can pull off many roles and make them his own. Being a well experienced actor means he can contribute to the other actors on this project and give advice to allow them to improve their own performance. Although Harry doesn't study media he has a common interest of film and can give suggests on how shots can be portrayed through camera angles and how scenes should be put together. Harry gives well rehearsed performances. 

- Roman ''Hazmat'' Sionis
An expert on the harmful effects of the wasteland. Sionis was a hazmat scientist prior to the events which unfold. This makes him a valuable asset to anyone who comes across him as he knows how to survive in this harsh wilderness. Sionis' character is calm and not arrogant. He is the type of guy to pick water over a shot gun as he knows that's what will ensure his survival, yet will take up arms against foes if needs be. As a hazmat science he will be wearing a hazmat suit with a gas mask.

Actor - Hasib Rehman  
Hasib is a well experienced actor as he did drama at GCSE level. I feel that this character is similar to Hasib meaning that Hasib should be able to slip right into the shoes of this character quite easily. Hasib also suggests good ideas to contribute to the production and has offered to help with costumes and camera work. 

-Elizabeth ''Lizzy'' Newton  
Prior to the events that unfold Elizabeth was known to be unpredictable and rolled with some of the most notorious gangs. Often she had many run in's with the law especially Chief Jack Sinclair's unit. Now she must survive the wasteland with a 'gang' led by the officer who apprehended her on more than one occasion. Elizabeth is a free spirit moving from place to place and therefore gang to gang. We learn that at some point she was part of the main antagonist's gang later moving on coming across Chief Jack Sinclair and his group. She is much like a Tomboy who wears leather jackets and bandanas and knows how to fight back, probably more so then the men.

Actor - Tilly Boe Farmer 
Tilly is another experienced actor who can also contribute to this project as she herself is doing her own project. I feel this characters is suited for her and she can also slip right into Lizzy's shoes. She is also a make-up artist and has offered to use her skills to create realistic make-up effects. Tilly has helped me with the development of this project therefore she understands the concept of my ideas and therefore knows my aims. Furthermore can help with camera work. 

-Dr.Edward George ''Sawbones'' Arrowsmith
The reason half the group are still alive and the doctor who treats Grey after his ambush, subsequently saving his life. Arrowsmith was a surgeon prior to the events which unfold. He does not dismay from action, keeping his father's pistol close by. He's a quirky and comedic individual yet often appears strict taking charge of the group from time to time. Arrowsmith keeps a picture of his wife and young son close by. For him this is a source of motivation, and gives him the will to carry on and survive. As a doctor he would also wear similar clothing to Liam Westmoreland. 

Actor- Daniel Bryne 
Daniel is someone who gives a 110% in everything he does. Although he doesn't have much acting experience, to my knowledge, I feel he could pull off this character rather effectively. Daniel is very funny and I feel will be the source of comedic moments for this trailer if there is a time for them. he is also creative and if he has any suggestions for my project then he will immediately speak up to pitch those ideas.

- Tennessee Rogers
The final character of the project is the main antagonist. Living in this dystopian society has led to Tennessee to become the leader of a band of cut-throats, bandits. He fought his way up the ranks and now is their leader. Prior to the events that unfold Rogers was a sergeant in the Army and fought alongside Grey Westmoreland. Therefore he knew of his brothers creation and wants to replicate it so he can command beyond his bandit hide out. Him and Grey are not so different in terms of personality. They have both know the horrors of war and both respect one another, yet is that enough for Grey to save his brother from his old twisted comrades grasp. Roger's believes in survival of the fittest therefore wouldn't hesitate to kill one of his enemies ... or one of his friends. He would have a similar out fir to Elizabeth Newton's character. Leather jacket etc.

Actor - Stephen Torrance 

Has some acting experience and gives his all when it comes to a practical activity ;) he will also be able to come up with contribution for the characters and the project overall. He is outgoing and can easily play rogers well as the villain of the trailer.

These are the people who I trust to give an effective and realistic performance for my project. Although it appears there are too many characters some will only make brief appearances in the trailer. There will also be extras who will play Roger's bandits in various fight sequences 

Saturday 21 October 2017

Organisation: Costumes

Now I have researched into what makes an Antagonist and Protagonist successful I have decided what costumes I want to use to create a successful portrayal and characterisation of these characters. For each character I should incorporate the common traits found on that specific character type. For this I will be using my research to aid me in correctly creating an effective portrayal. I will talk about other characters in this post giving a generic idea of what their appearance will look like. To begin i will list what the appearance will look like and what i want this to connote to the audience. 


 - A distinctive feature is something that separates him from other characters and makes him stand out as the antagonist. I intend to use make-up to create either a Scar or a Skull over the face of the antagonist as this creates an intimidating appearance with the connotation of a dangerous individual. From my research I found that antagonists have a distinctive feature. Either through costume or injury.

- Clothing is also another important quality for an antagonist. Having dark clothing suggests a lot about the character and reinforces the idea of a villainous characterisation. The clothing I have decided to use for my antagonist is a black leather jacket and jeans. This will be accompanied by a white vest/shirt and a red scarf or bandana. Having a red scarf / bandana suggests hatred and evil however implies love aswell which suggests the character once was good a suggests the goodness in everybody.


 - A prop which sets them apart from other characters. Although this is a normal toy gun it can be made to look like a realistic weapon through the use of spray paint. Why would this set the protagonist apart? I intend to spray all the guns I buy black, however i will make the protagonist's gun distinctively different from the others making the protagonist different from the other characters. From my research i found that having a distinctive piece of equipment is common E.g. Indiana Jones' whip and captain America's shield.

The clothing o have decided to use for my main character is a military shirt (green) as it help emphasise the main character's past of serving in the military. He will have black Combat trousers and boots. He may even have a worn jacket and a face mask which helps protect his face. Generally the mise-en-scene here uses light colours yet occasionally dark colours are used to suggest a darker side for the character and that he will do anything to get his brother back. 

Rest of the cast 
I have briefly summed up in a previous blog post the look i want for my other characters to look like. However generally everyone should have dirty and teared clothes as it then effectively reinforces the idea of a wasteland and a dystopia world 

Friday 20 October 2017

Research into Similar Products: Conventions and Style of Trailer

If I had to base my trailer on a specific style, it would be like the Logan trailer which came out in March earlier this year. This specific style of trailer creates a range of emotions for the audience. such as excitement, anticipation and anxiety for the final outcome for the characters.  One of the reasons for this would be the franchise of the ''X-men'' movies as audiences have become invested in two of the major characters from those films. From the dialogue of "You Still have Time" suggests time is slowly closing in on Logan implicating to the audience that this is the last time we will see Hugh Jackman as Wolverine (Logan). However my trailer is not based on a big franchise therefore making it harder for the audience to feel invested into the characters. However making the characters relatable may make audience members feel similar emotions towards the characters. 

This is the Logan trailer and song to the trailer above. I find the style for this trailer rather appealing and engages the audience creating a sense of involvement with the plot. 

The conventions and style of the trailer
- The trailer opens with a normal scene of X-23 stealing from a shop unaware of what she is doing. There is no soundtrack at this point except music embedded within that scene to create a station atmosphere with the quirky music. The scene quickly escalates setting the tone for the film and the unique abilities of X-23 creating a basic character arc for her character. She is quickly stopped by Logan who then takes some beef jerky from the counter without paying for them. This creates a rather small comedic moment in a somewhat serious trailer.
- The production logos then run. The trailer begins to take a dark tone as the soundtrack used connotes a serious and violent tone. This is complimented by the action within the trailer. the songs itself (Way down we go - Kaleo) reinforces the Action genre.
-Throughout emotive dialogue is used as a narrative which creates sympathy and makes the trailer relatable as they base the dialogue around family.
- The action within the trailer is in time with the music. For example when the main antagonist jumps out of his jeep at 0:47 there is a loud thud as this happens making the character appear to be much more threating. At 1:41 this happens again as the on screen text is in time with the beats and when Logan unleashes his claws making him appear to be deadly.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Research into Target Audience : Film Title Survey (SNAPCHAT)

I had came up with a list of names I thought would be good for my story and plot. However there were quite a few I liked but to help me decided I asked my target audience and demographic what they thought would be the best title for my film. I also linked them my story so they could understand the story and therefore have the chance to think  about which one. This is how the Survey went. 

All of the people I asked, who replied, felt that 'Underneath the Mushroom Cloud' was the best choice for my film which I now agree with as i think it is quite original and links to the story of my film well. The others i thought were very good, but my target audience has spoken therefore i will go with their decision.  

                      The Title of my Film Trailer is 'Underneath The Mushroom Cloud' 


Monday 16 October 2017

Research into Similar Prouducts: Music expansion

Another Song I am considering using for my trailer is 'Welcome To The Jungle'  by Guns and Roses. This song is a rock song which i think is both suitable for the action genre and connotes the idea of a hostile environment. This song has a rather sharp opening which could be used to build up the tension for the trailer or a fast past action scene of running and fighting. This would help establish the tone and ethos of the trailer. 

''in the jungle, welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your sha na na na na knees knees 
I wanna watch you bleed''

These lyrics implicate that the jungle is a harsh and puts those who visit are in jeopardy. The idea of a jungle could be a metaphor in itself. It connotes the idea of a struggle and the survival of the fittest in an environment being compared to a jungle as it is equally as challenging. My trailer is set in a wasteland therefore this song would fit well as they same challenges could be applied to a wasteland as there are also hazardous factors in it.   
. Saying "I wanna watch you bleed'' suggests opposition. Someone who doesn't want to help but instead inflict pain on others without a care. This line reminds me of some characters in my trailer who have a similar view. Survival of the Fittest. 

Although This song by 'The Walker Brothers' isn't necessarily a song that you would consider with an action film the themes of the song suit the plot of the trailer perfectly. over the opening of the song i like very much as it reminds me of someone travelling on a horse or have some coins or keys jangle in their pocket as they walk down a road. This specific opening is something for me to experiment with and see if there are places in my trailer where they would fit perfectly if i choose to use this as as song 

"Loneliness is the cloak you wear
A deep shade of blue is always there
The sun ain't gonna shine anymore
The moon ain't gonna rise in the sky
The tears are always clouding your eyes"

This specific part of the song could be interpreted as a world in crisis linking to my plot. The sun ain't gonna shine anymore could be the idea of depression  and that life in this world is worse then what meet the eye.  A deep shade of blue is always there is another implication towards depression. 

Sunday 15 October 2017

Drafting and Planning: Film Title

Although my main focus for my trailer is the trailer itself I also have to create a name for the production that relates to the plot and context of the film. Having a good title is essential for a film to be successful as it can make it memorable and become a sales point for the film. Some titles can be ambiguous and therefore create mystery around the film yet still being suitable for the film's ethos.

I should try to keep it simple and try not to be too over complicated. It will be featured on a movie poster. because of this it is imperative that both title and the posters should work in harmony together and support each other  in making the movie look intriguing and also working well to sell the movie to the audiences . I myself have some options for what my trailer could be called, of course the genre of the trailer will be action so I need to make sure that the title has some reference. The potential titles for my film are:
  • Fallout
  • The BadLands
  •  Just a Shot Away
  • The Watchers of The Wasteland
  • Underneath the mushroom cloud 

Here I have come up with 5 potential titles that could become the title of my own trailer. To make sure I pick the right title I am going to let my target audience decide what they believe to be the best title for the trailer

Saturday 14 October 2017

Drafting and Planning: Organisation of Camera

I am using my own camera to film my trailer, this means it will be highly available during the filming process. The camera is a Canon Powershot A1400 HD which has a 25.00mm lens which means it is a high quality camera which will allow me to utilise and create a high quality trailer production which will make the trailer more attractive and engaging

Accompanying it I will also have a primaphoto-phkp001 tripod to try and add a sense of professionalism to my trailer so the audience feels more enthuastic about the trailer as there won't be constant shaking unless its from a characters POV 

Friday 13 October 2017

Drafting and Planning:Choice of Genre and intial ideas/plot

Filming for our moving image project will begin soon and will have to be wrapped up before Christmas. Therefore I had to come up with the plot and the definite plot line for the film as soon as I could. I had one idea that I particularly liked for the action genre, so I've decided to go into further depth and discuss my idea. Prior to this blog I discussed with my teacher the plot and told me to add a motive for the antagonist's actions.

-Based after a nuclear war the setting of the trailer is in a wasteland dictated by bandits and those who survived the blast. Due to the harmful radiation creatures may have mutated making the environment much more deadly

-The plot revolves around the main character whose brother has been abducted by a group of bandits due to his technical genius. The bandits require to him to build a weapon which will allow them to govern the wasteland to their will.

-It will begin with a shot of the setting then the main character coming into shot moments after his brother is abducted. there will be a narrative along with this. a long shot will then be used of the protagonist walking down a road. clearly injured from his encounter with the bandits.

- eventually he will encounter another group of survivors who he will make allies with. There are already 5 members of this group and they are vastly different from one another creating tension and perhaps some comedy throughout. With the protagonist joining this makes 6 members.

- He is introduced to each member of the team and then is allowed to reveal to them the importance of getting his brother back. However these survivors have a problem of their own. The leader of the saviours warns the protagonist that the bandits and radiation are the least of his worries and that a mutated behemoth stalks the wasteland that has been hunting them consistently with the leader saying "A month ago there were 20 of us, yesterday there were 8, now we are 5". This will Create some terrifying moments for the survivors and bandits alike

-After convincing them to embark and assist him with his journey they set out to hunt the bandits whilst they are being hunted themselves.

This is just my synopsis on a basic level to allow the reader to get the jist of it. I will be doing a presentation in front of my class which will allow me to get feedback and advice from others.

The main protagonists also greatly remind me of the Guardians of the Galaxy as they are also a group with variation and different skills

Thursday 12 October 2017

Research into Target Audience: BBFC Age certification

For my moving image project I also need to decide on a film classification. To allow myself to do this I am going to research into different classification and eventually decide which one I feel would be suitable for my film trailer.

12A/12 classified films are primarily suitable for ages 12 years and over. Anybody who is younger than 12 cannot see a 12A film in a cinema unless they are with an adult who is over the age of 18. An adult should also consider whether they should take a child under 12 to a 12A if they deem it not suitable by referring to the circumstances
  • Drugs - Infrequent use of drugs and mustn't give detailed instructions on use or how to consume. Drug usage shouldn't be glamorised either.
  • Language -  Moderate language may be included however strong language may be permitted depending on how it is used, what individual is using the language and how frequent it is throughout the work.
  • Nudity - Nudity in a sexual context must be discreet and brief however nudity may be included.
  • Sex - Needs to be brief and discreet however references are permitted but continuous crude references are most likely to be unacceptable and portrayed in the film.
  • Threat - physical and psychological threat must be moderate. Overall tone of film shouldn't be disturbing however scenes can be.
  • Violence - Moderate violence not to dwell on detail. lack of emphasis on blood and injury but occasional gore if justified by context. sexual violence may only be implied or briefly indicated.
  • Discrimination - must be endorsed Aggressive discriminatory language or behaviour is unlikely to be acceptable unless clearly condemned.    
Films classified 15 contain material suitable for those aged 15 and over. A film qualifies to be rated 15 under these circumstances:

  • Drug taking can be shown, however it must not be promoted or encouraged.
  • There may be racist, homophobic or other discriminatory themes and language. It must not be endorsed by the film as a whole.
  • There may be strong language. Very strong language may be permitted given the context and circumstances.
  • There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context. Sexual activity may be portrayed, but usually without strong detail.
  • Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury.

Films classified 18 contain material suitable for those aged 18 and over. A film qualifies to be rated 18 when many elements, from drug references, violence, discrimination, language and sexual content is explicit and strong. There are circumstances in which even this material may be too explicit, such as the detailed portrayal of violent acts which may make it look appealing, or sexual violence that ma even be illegal. As these circumstances are the only exceptions, 18-rated films do not have many constraints as the viewers will be adults.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Research into Similar Products: Choices of music/soundtrack.

Now that I have looked at some different genres I understand the basic requirements of them. one thing that always stands out for a film trailer is the soundtrack and music used. For an audience member music can create a specific atmosphere for the film and create a wide range of opinions on the film. The music/soundtrack must also be able to assist in conveying to the audience the tone of the film whilst still being relevant to the film itself. A recognizable song may also increase a films audience as it is popular and would want the audience to see the film or be interested enough to research into it themselves. Furthermore now that I have looked at genres I will now list what I believe makes a successful soundtrack for a film.

The codes and conventions of a successful soundtrack/segment of music.

-The piece of music has to, in some shape or form, correspond with the film. For example using a bone chilling piece of music that can build tension and keep the audience engaged for a thriller 
-Not to over use the music to much as it may draw away from the main view point which is the film trailer and the characters within.
-Having the lyrics relate to the film somehow. Not necessarily used all the time but can show that the director has taken time to think about what to use instead of just placing something in.
-The music occasionally correlates with what is happening in the trailer. We saw this in the wonder women trailer. As she was climbing the wall a beat was heard each time she hit the wall.
-The music should build up slowly allowing the characters to establish themselves before showing other key points where dialogue is not needed 
-The music used can also imply the attitudes of characters and the tone of a film. for example we learn that 'StarLord' from 'Guardians of the Galaxy' has an 80s mix-tape therefore in the trailers 80s music can be heard such as 'Hooked on a feeling' suggesting that although the film is action it will also be a non - serious film with various comedic moments.

For my film trailer it would be hard to determine what type of music I would like to incorporate into my work as I am not completely decided on genre. however as I have researched into Thriller and Action I have picked a few songs I feel would fit the conventions of these genres.
- for my trailer I can only use around 14- 15 seconds of a song. this ensures I don't make it the main focus of the trailer.

The song 'Gimme Shelter' composed by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, the lead singer and guitarist of the Rolling Stones, is a song that I have listened to multiple times and feel that certain aspects of this song would be suitable for the action film genre. This classic stones song has a slow build up which could be used to establish setting and characters. This goes on for around 40 seconds. We are then given an more upbeat tune which again could be used for an action sequence which would , along with the characters and setting, establish the tone and ethos of the movie. 

"Oh, a storm is threat'ning
My very life today
If I don't get some shelter
Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away"

These are the opening lines for the song which could be seen as a metaphor. The storm may be seen as some kind of battlement or army approaching which gives us a link to the action genre. It may also be interpreted that a bombardment may be happening, such as the London blitz. These themes suggested throughout the entire song. Overall this song has a fast paced' upbeat tempo which would be suitable for the action genre and one I am strongly considering.

A Thriller trailer, in my opinion, doesn't need to use a particularly scary song but one that can keep the audience engaged with that narrative of the film. usually I find that the music is mainly instrumental with very little dialogue. Below is a song that could be used for a trailer. 

'Sabotage' By the Beastie Boys to me is another candidate for both the Action and Thriller. After the chorus and especially after the lyrics 

"I'm tellin' y'all it's a sabotage" 
"I'm trying to tell you now it's sabotage" 

The instrumental post this would fit perfectly for a thriller. It incorporates the use of loud beats every few seconds that vaguely reminds me of other soundtracks that could be used for a thriller such as the Joker's theme from the dark night which is considered to be a thriller its self. 
I am only allowed to have around 14 seconds of  of music and due to the instrumental being around 12 seconds i could easily use this for a thriller. 

These are just two examples of songs i feel would be suitable for these genres. I will look into more songs i feel would be suitable for my genre once i have decided on it. The song will also be dependent on my plot of my trailer to make sure it suits the genre ethos and ideology . 

Saturday 7 October 2017

Research into similar products : Genre

The next genre that I am going to be looking into is the thriller genre. A thriller usually contains an intense and fast paced story line. The aim of this gene is to create tension and keep the audience on the edge of their seats. Thrillers are characterized by the moods they create, providing viewers with heightened feelings of suspense, excitement, fear and anxiety.

There are also various sub-genre to the thriller genre. These are:
  • Action thriller
  • Crime thriller
  • Disaster thriller
  • Political thriller 

The main conventions of the thriller trailer

- The protagonist will encounter death; either their own or a character they have some relationship with.
- The main story-line for the protagonist is usually a long and difficult journey; this may be an emotional or physical journey.
- All action and characters are often extremely accurate and realistic, so that the audience feel as though the narrative is plausible and could happen to them. This heightens the sense of tension and makes the thriller more enjoyable and exciting.
- There will be a large number of close ups and extreme close ups of the protagonist. This often shows their emotions, however it can also be used to focus on props or setting to progress the narrative.
- The editing will consist of jump cuts to increase the sense of chaos and tension. This will also reveal parts of the narrative in small amounts so that the audience are not fully aware and therefore remain on the edge of their seats.
- Music is essential to create the mood of the scenes and convey the emotions the audience should be feeling. For example, if a sharp orchestral piece is playing in the background of a scene, it is most likely creating a sinister environment and building up to an ominous event. The music can also begin at a slow pace and build up to a climax to create drama and tension for the audience.

- The Trailer starts off slow. Establishing the setting and characters and their relationships. we are introduced to some backstory as we know that Bateman's characters has a past with the main antagonist. The shot keeps switching back to the taffle around the bottle which links to the title of the film "The Gift" which sets the narrative of the film.
- The soundtrack slowly builds up creating tension for the audience and keeping them on the edge of their seat. until the point of climax which implies the main antagonists insanity
 There are several close ups of the male protagonist as the audience sees him struggling and showing intense emotions due to him and his wife being stalked. There are also close ups of props, such as the smashed table on the floor and the running tap. giving a glimpse into the narrative of the story and what type of guy the antagonist is.

Thursday 5 October 2017

Research into Similar Products: Genre

As part of my research I have decided to look at specific genres to see there codes and conventions, how they are represented through trailers and how the audience receives the trailer. I am hoping that will help me decide my genre for my moving project. The first genre I am looking at is Action.

An Action trailer usually of a slow build-up at the beginning which leads up to a fast paced/exciting sequence which entices the audiences and keeps them on there edge of their seats. Creating tension and a build up towards a climax is essential as it can create specific moods for audiences such as excitement, suspense, inspiration, awe and the line between good and evil.

There are sub-genres for the action genre. These are:
  • Action adventure
  • Action comedy
  • Action horror

The Primary Conventions of An Action Trailer

-The main protagonist will have to overcome challenges which will allow them to be prepared for facing the main antagonist
-Suitable soundtrack which reflects the tone of the film whilst keeping true to the genre and tradition film trailer. This is also essential to creating the mood for the trailer and putting the audience in the correct emotion. For example violin music could be seen as a horror or thriller type of soundtrack which would create fear and anxiety for the audience.
-introduction to the antagonist, yet not giving away too much information about them or there identity, usually keeping their face away from the camera or keeping it concealed. The protagonist can give a narrative and dialogue to give more information about them and there plans.
-Fast paced action sequences throughout but mainly towards the end of the trailer as the beginning give us more context about the films plot and its characters. these fast paced action scenes also could be used to show the props used in mass proportion.
-The editing would consist of jump cuts and straight cuts to create a sense of battle and chaos, which would keep the audience on the edge of their seats as it reveals small amounts of the narrative so the audience is not fully aware of what is being shown to them

This is the Wonder Woman trailer which incorporates different action trailer conventions.

- The establishing shot immediately allows us to see the mise-en-scene used and the armour plating worn by Wonder Woman. This cuts to her shield being unveiled. This creates and reinforces the genre of action as we associate a shield with war a battle used during medieval times. This sets the tone for the film as it is implied to the audience the nature and premise of the film. We see Wonder Women stood in what appears to be no mans land, again reinforcing the action genre.

- After the productions logo play we hear a soundtrack play. The song itself is called warriors by imagine dragon which directly links to the plot of the film. This gradually builds up throughout the trailer to the point where the trailer reaches it climax. When the main protagonist is climbing up the side of the wall we can hear the lyrics of the song which is in time with the movement she makes whilst climbing the wall.

- There is a lot of quick editing and slow motion to create and idea of chaos and fighting but slowed down enough so the audience can take it in. the fast pace editing is done so audience do not have a full understanding of the narrative and are left wanting to know more by the slow motion scenes.This fast paced editing also conveys a fast-paced story line and the chaos within the narrative.

- The film is rated PG13, which means you must be over the age of 13 to see the film. This therefore appeals to a young yet maturing age group. The age rating is due to the consistent violence throughout yet there isn't any blood or gore which is deemed too explicit for a pg13 audience. a lot of other super hero action films have similar rating as the producers know that there main focus audience would be teenagers as they are most likely to know the characters and be into the comics then and older audience.

Sunday 1 October 2017

Research into similar products: Trailer conventions

The trailer I will be looking at today is Goodbye Christopher Robin which is the true story based on the creation of the Winnie the Pooh book series 

This trailer immediately implies the time period as we see two of the main protagonists praying which was primarily done more consistently between and during WWI and WWII. This scene also introduces us to the main characters. A family of three and a nanny. The mise-en-scene here also suggests the time period being somewhere during the 1920s as we see a very early model of a car.

we are then given the production logos. Big names could attract audience members as they may expect a specific standard of film from that production company 

''England's funniest writer"
''Ready to put the smile on people's faces"

This use of diegetic dialogue allows the audience to understand more about the main protagonist A.A. Milne. It gives us the setting of the film and establishes that the main protagonist is a popular writer. it is also that people are recovering from WWI and it is Milne's duty to ''put the smile on people's faces''. The stage light is shone onto Milne and a contrast is shown between that and his horrific experiences during war in a flash back moment. it also suggests he has post traumatic stress due to the close up shot of his facial expression. This cuts to a scene of him asking why did we go to war?

There is a voice over narrative from various characters which helps establish the plot to the audience. "I hear you're writing a book to stop people from going to war". Throughout we hear piano music which helps strengthen the idea of time period and they use something that would be around during the 1920s .

Text is used to construct backstory for the film and give deeper context and information about the effect the book series had. ''Based on a true story''. A speed up shot is used right after ''To a worldwide phenomenon". to emphasise the rate at which these books were being sold at. it emphasise the success of Milne and Winne the Pooh. A website is given at the end of the trailer so if audience members who enjoyed the film want to know more then they have a website to go to. 

The soundtrack towards the end of the trailer sets a positive tone for the film. some of the beats re in time with points within the trailer. i.e. when the soldiers are playing. This is something had to master in a trailer but is very useful. I see various similarities to the Baby trailer however there are some things here that were new to me. Using a light, in this case, to show juxtaposition between two scene's where similar lights were present helps to emphasise the various tones and messages of the film and may make audience members decide whether they want to watch the film. This is something to work with. Showing an object or light prior to an event and after the event to show the different tones of the film.