Sunday 28 January 2018

Research into Similar products/Organisation : Warner Bros studios

Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc is an American entertainment company that is a division of Time Warner and is headquartered in Burbank, California. It is one of the "Big Six" major American film studios. Warner Bros. is a member of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)
This Company appealed to me for the wide array of action films they have distributed. Films that have been distributed by Warner Bros. have be well marketed. To have this particular company distribute my movie would ensure that the movie is not only marketed well but also ensures that when the audience sees the movie advertised they will know its in the hands of a distributor that is well known for these movies.

They have produced a few films that have a post apocalyptic plot line such as terminator salvation and San Andres but nothing similar to mine. However it was still good to look at this distributor and i shouldn't rule out them until i have looked at the other ones in detail to see if my film would have  greater place under their production company 

Saturday 27 January 2018

Research into Similar Products : Movie Poster


We are given a link to the studios previous work. '' From the studio that brought you Iron Man '' This will attract fans to this film as they may of seen Iron Man which will make them more likely to see this film as Iron Man was hugely successful.

The poster also some of the secondary characters of this film. They are all above the main character and are separated by white strands of light. This shows some of the other Actors in the film. The main image shows shows the main character at the centre of the poster. He is separate from the other characters to show that he is the main focus of the film. The characters costume is an armour type of costume showing that he is a warrior. The red cloak suggests that he may be royalty. It is suggested that he is very powerful due to the rocks that are destroyed around him. This suggest he has some superhuman abilities. The sense of power is added to by the light being emitted by Thor's hammer.

Marvel studio can be seen just above the title of the film. They are a very successful and commercial film company and fans of marvel will be drawn in by this as they will know what to expect. Marvel has a very loyal fan-base therefore appealing to a huge audience. Anyone who is a superhero fan will also be drawn in as Marvel is one of the biggest Superhero comic book companies in the world.

The film's title is written big and bold and is underneath the main image. This is the largest piece of text on the poster therefore audience's will be drawn to it when looking at the poster.. The title is also made to look very epic with its metallic and red glow behind giving i ta sci-fi/action genre.

The tagline is very straight to the point making it easy for audience's to remember it. It suggests that Thor is immortal or that his bravery will never run out. ''Courage Is Immortal''. Underneath this is the film credits and the title of 'Coming Soon' which creates excitement and anticipation for the films release.

Like other posters analysed it splits up part of the poster to give more insight to the films characters. This seems to be a common occurrence in movie posters and I think I will definitely have a split in my Poster as this is an effective way to give the audience more to see about my trailer.

Friday 26 January 2018

Research into Similar Products/Organisation Paramount pictures

Paramount is the fifth oldest surviving film studio in the world the second oldest in the United States, and the sole member of the "Big Six" film studios still located in the Los Angeles.
The reason to why I think this distributor would be a possible contender is because it has done hundreds of actions films over the years but has recently decided to reboot the Terminator series, with planned reboots in the near future, and World War Z. The genre of these films is similar to mine in terms of a post - apocalyptic settings and action. Paramount are know to make Post apocalyptic films Other Examples would be War of the Worlds and Cloverfield which have a apocalyptic theme. This would mean that its highly likely that paramount would do a film like mine in terms of story. I think paramount is a good option for my trailer as they are a large company and have made films similar to mine.

This is the logo sequence for paramount pictures 

Thursday 25 January 2018

Organisation: First draft deadline

As a class our teacher told us that the first draft that we are currently working on needs submitted to him by the end of the half term. The deadline for the first draft is the 

15th of February 

As a student, who is working on their trailer, I feel this will be extremely useful as I can get feedback off someone who has been doing this for years and knows how a trailer should look and feel. At the moment I have edited several clips but my trailer isn't in a clear order. Before the deadline i should at the very least ensure that my trailer flows well  and is in order. The feedback given will be very useful ad will ensure i can make my trailer much better.

Ideally my trailer should be around 2 minutes and 30 seconds maximum but i feel that perhaps I haven't quite reached that figure. My trailer is around 2 mins in length so if necessary more filming could take place. Perhaps it is also worth me viewing my research stage into trailers and reminding myself of the common features of a trailer.   

Saturday 20 January 2018

Research into Similar Products/Organisation: Universal

Universal Studios was founded 105 years ago in 1912 and is the oldest surviving film studio in the United States, the world's fourth oldest after Gaumont, Pathé and Nordisk Film. Universal is owned by Comcast through the Universal Filmed Entertainment Group division NBC Universal. Its studios are located in Universal City, California, and its corporate offices are located in New York City. It is one of Hollywood's "Big Six" studios.

 The reason I think that this production company is suitable for my trailer is because it is responsible for Oblivion a 2013 action and adventure film set in a world that has seen turmoil and strife.  It recieved generally good reviews by critics and audiences overall. Universal produces a lot of action films and i do feel like it would fit my film. 

A lot of franchises have been made by Universal like Jurassic park. I think my film would fit in with these franchises. However other similar films to mine have been made by smaller companies and i am not sure whether my film would fit in with large films like these. 

If i was to go with this production company then this would be featured in my trailer. 

Friday 19 January 2018

Research into Similar products: The Dark Knight Poster

The title of the film is bold and striking and incorporates iconography by the use of the Batman logo to help grab the audience's attention. It draws them to the title. This also helps audience's remember it. The white writing contrasts with the rest of the film poster and stands out. it may also connote the battle between good and evil in this film.

We see an image of the lead character, which creates excitement for the film as he is stood in pose which creates mystery around him. This is further emphasised by the lack of emotion seen on the character. This is also a selling pint for the poster as audiences will already know who this character is and will identify him easily. The background of the main image sets the tone for the film and the location without giving too much away to the audience about the plot of the film. The dark colours will help audiences understand the type of film it is and the smoke accompanies this to create atmosphere. the logo angle shot on Batman makes him appear powerful and dominant however makes him look sinister which will make the audience begin to question the film

Another selling point for the film is the batman logo on the building. First of it looks like an explosion has just taken place which is a key aspect of an action film and further emphasise the genre and themes. Also indicates that Batman may be the only hope in a dark world. Audiences will instantly recognise the logo, as it is one know throughout the world. The fact that the logo is bright orange which is contrasted by the gloomy atmosphere of the rest of the poster mates it eye catching and draws the audiences attention there. It suggests that the hero is very powerful because it takes up a lot of space on the poster and is big.

The tagline is one of the first things the audience sees. This tagline further emphasises the action and adventure genre. The tagline compliments the picture as ''A World Without Rules'' is shown in the poster and we can see the chaos erupting. This would create anticipation for the audience.

The release date is shown and is positioned at the centre of the bottom of the poster in a large font. Highlights the importance of the date and make the audience feel they cannot miss it. Allows them to make plans in advance. The date contrasts with the background to show its importance.  Above the date is the list of institutions that have taken part with this big blockbuster film.

Thursday 18 January 2018

Research into Similar Product: The Wolverine

The name at the top is 'Hugh Jackman' which is key to the film and the poster as it is placed on its own showing he is the main actor in the film. The name being by itself means it can take up more space on the poster and will attract a larger audience due to his global fame as an actor already.

Hugh Jackman's character, 'The Wolverine' is in the centre of the main image to show he himself is the main attraction and focus of the film. No other characters are shown as they would only distract the audience from the main selling point of the film. This being 'The Wolverine'

In the main image we see 'The Wolverine' on his knees which suggest a sense of weakness and vulnerability to the character. Having the claws out suggests that this is his last stand. This would create more interest for the audience as they want to know what he is fighting and what could possibly bring 'The Wolverine' to his knees. The background shows a destroyed city suggesting a great threat to humanity and not just 'The Wolverine' We can also see him shirtless showing a incredibly powerful and strong man. This may also appeal to a female audience due to his muscular physique.The claws are also a selling point for the film as he is best know for his claws

Towards the bottom of the poster we can see the 'Coming Soon' which creates a sense of anticipation, curiosity and interest into the film as the audience aren't be giving a huge amount of information about the film. For audiences, who want to read into the film more, their is a website underneath the 'Coming Soon' This is so that audiences can visit and find more information about the film on the website due to the lack of information given by the poster. Underneath the website is hashtag. The #TheWolverine is a way for the film companies to market their film but without spending any money. People who use the hashtag, on social media, are essentially spreading the word around about the film. The more that people use the hashtag then are marketing the film without the film company spending any money . It is and effective form of viral marketing through social media. This means film companies can spend a little less money on marketing.

The 'Marvel' logo is clearly visible which is a company with a large and loyal fan base. The logo gives the film instant credibility and will draw in a wider audience as marvel have created great super hero flicks. Audiences who know a film is by marvel film studios will be more inclined to watch the as it comes from a very successful film company.

Overall i like this poster because of its direct and use of dark colours which suggests a dark film. I feel this is too simplistic poster but it does suggest much about the themes of the film. I will carefully consider what type of poster i want to create. We Japan in the background. A common theme of all the posters I have looked at is having the setting in the background.

Saturday 13 January 2018

Organisation : Rescheduling and re-shoots.

After filming my scenes and looking them over during the editing phase I have decided that I would like to re-shoot a few scenes due to them not being the way I want them to be. This only applies to a few scenes in my trailer which will not effect the timing or flow of my trailer. This will be this weekend. This will allow me to organise my actors, time and location before re-shooting. By doing this at the beginning of the weekend i will have the rest of the weekend to edit the scenes into my trailer.

One of the scenes that needs to be re-shot is in within an dystopian looking place as this would suit my trailer. This place of filming is Birmingham's city centre which is easy to access and safe as I have shot many scenes here and have not came cross much in the way of hazards.

Another scene that needs to be re-shot is the group gathered around a camp fire. I felt this scene could of been shot much better and will be done on the same day as the other one to ensure that they are edited ASAP

Friday 12 January 2018

Research into Target Audience: Feedback on Song Choice

I have now looked at 'Can't go on without you' And 'Gimme Shelter' and have conducted a survey on various social media to find the best one for my trailer. Below are the two songs. 

To get in touch with my target audience I have done my survey on a different form of social media to Snapchat, Instagram. I have asked my audience for feedback on which song they feel will be the best for my trailer which i will use at various points of the trailer. Both songs have appropriate lyrics which relates to what is happening within the trailer whilst being parallel to the shot and reflecting the tone and mood correctly. After narrowing down the music options in the previous post, and given a new suggestion for a song I have asked a group of friends who fit the target age of 15+ which is my films age rating which one they think works best.

Instagram Survey

The scene in which the music would go with is the fight scene i have recorded. I have shown them this scene by linking the blog post to them. They viewed each clip and decided which one would,ve been the best.


This is just a handful of my survey's however each of them had said the same that 'I can't go On without you' is a far better choice as this song has a ''eerie tone'' that goes with my trailer,''reflects that of the genre of your work'' and ''Lyrics are trying to reflect the dystopian world you are trying to build''. This is exactly what I want for this song and the scene showing the dystopian landscape. This song would be a suitable choice. Also the lyrics of this song ''Can't go on without you'' suggest that Grey cannot go on without his brother. Overall i am pleased with this song choice, at first i was adamant that i would chose 'Gimme Shelter' but now feel 'Can't go on without you' is much better as it gives a darker tone to the trailer and fits the world I am trying to create.

FINAL SONG CHOICE: 'Can't Go On Without You' by Kaleo 

Thursday 11 January 2018

Research Into Similar Products: Ancillary Products

Star Wars: The Last Jedi 

Like the the 'Hostiles' poster there is a vertical split down the center of the poster, however it only goes two-thirds of the way down. It is created by the figure hold 'Anakin's' lightsaber. This is a call back to previous Star Wars posters such as 'Star Wars A New Hope's poster as we see this exact same image on that poster. This would suggest that 'Rey' is now the main protagonist and heroine as Luke was in the original trilogy and how he was portrayed the same to Rey in his New Hope poster. It implies he has passed on the title to a new character and is no longer the hero.

A New Hope
 Like the Hostiles poster we see two figures on either side of the split. We see Luke on the left and his nephew, Kylo on the right. Both have their own space on the poster, however Luke seems to be bigger then Kylo, which suggest that Kylo isn't on Luke's level and isn't anywhere near his power. Many audience's would know that Luke is a hero and an admirable character, but he and his nephew are both shrouded in red lighting which suggests that they are not so different and that the dark side calls to them both.

Rey's lightsaber also looks like Kylo's lightsaber which implicates that maybe she is having an inner turmoil about where she belongs and what side to fight for. She is also stood in the middle which further emphasises her inner turmoil as it would appear she cannot pick between Luke and Kylo. However the image connotes that she is the last hope for the galaxy as she is holding the only light colour on the poster suggesting she is the beacon in the dark.

The poster immediantly caught my attention due to its simplistic design and house colour. i can get inspiration from this poster to my own poster. once again the split down the middle is one of the things i like greatly about this poster. It say much about the characters featured by showing where they are placed and their size and who is superior to the other. The colour scheme also suggests much about the film itself and implies a dark tone to the film.
This is Kylo's Light saber which is similar to the one Rey's holding 

Overall this poster is one of my favourites. i was immediately engrossed in it just because how unique it looks i noticed how i could get inspiration from this for my own poster. the split seems like a common occurrence in  posters therefore i would like to replicate something similar as it can reveal much about a film without making it too obvious.

I will use this as a possible inspiration for my final ancillary product poster as the design and simplistic colours is very effective.

Saturday 6 January 2018

Research into similar products: Ancillary Poster


Immediately we can see two figures who both take exactly the same amount of space on the page, yet are on opposite sides of the posters. This suggests that they are equals but are binary opposites to one another or hostiles. The use of colour is harsh which suggests a sophisticated and formal look which gives audiences a hint to the serious tone of the film. Also the dark and light colours could connote good and evil.The way the poster splits down the centre of the entire page suggests that the protagonist and antagonist have equal power. The split then affects the text turning them different colours depending on the side that they are on even connecting the characters on the page.

''We Are All Hostiles'' suggests that they two men aren't so different even though they have various cultural differences.

I love how unique this poster looks It is certainly something i wouldn't mind replicating for my poster. It's simple yet complex design looks really effective and engaging and makes you want to find out more about the stories plot. We can also see the the date and the production blurb. We also see the names of the actors involved which are placed over the main image.

Overall I really like this poster due to its split down the middle which suggests two factions of people living side by side. I also like how each side has contrasting colours to the other. For the setting of my poster i would place it within the woods as it is one of my main locations for filming my trailer
I think that this poster is a really effective poster because of its use of colour and design so this is something that I will definitely come back to when the creation of my poster happens.
This poster reminds me of ying and yang which suggests that the two character's at the top counter one another yet whilst retaining a quality similar to that of their foe. Bale's characters is shrouded in darkness whilst the Studi's character is in the light suggesting he is better morally.

From researching into this film these men are actually allies and not foe. They are being hunted by native American's. However someone who is viewing this poster, without knowledge of the film, may interpret them as enemies one being the protagonist and antagonist as they face the opposite way to one another and therefore, some would say, have different views to each other.

Friday 5 January 2018

Drafting and Planning : Film distributor choice and the effect this will have on Ancillary products.

Deciding on my film distributor will impact on many thing such as audience viewing and the magazine cover. An independent film will most likely not appear on the front cover of  a movie magazine such as 'Empire' or 'Total Film' due to them having an independent distributer. however films with independent distribution can appear on the front of some movie magazines such as Little white lies. Little white also features major films as their main feature. Little white lies tends to focus 
more on niche audience of fans of films and directors.

Now that I know about the distributer's effect on magazine covers I should be careful selecting my distributer however should still pick the magazine that i feel is still appropriate. For this i will need to research into the movie magazines to see what they consistently feature, their target audience and if my film would be featured here.

I should begin looking into different distributers, independent or major, to see which one would fund my type of film. I may find that more then distributer is needed for my trailer therefore creating a larger funding for the film.

Thursday 4 January 2018

Research into Similar Products : Kaleo, 'I Can't Go On Without You'

From doing my Snapchat survey for my trailer the majority said that 'Gimme Shelter' By the 'Rolling Stones' would my trailer best due to its upbeat tempo and it lyrics which i agreed upon. However one of the people doing the survey, who I trust greatly and who has knowledge of my intentions and aims for my trailer, suggested another song.  'I Can't Go On Without You' by Kaleo.

From listening to this song i have discovered that it is suitable for the action genre and the lyrics correspond to the plot of the trailer itself. "I can't go on without you" suggesting Grey, cannot go on until he has found his brother Liam, which is the main plot point of the film. From 3:40 the Song moves into a segment that would fit perfectly for the fighting scenes within the trailer. Now I am in a predicament to decide which song is better for my trailer type, therefore I will conduct another survey where the audience will decide what they feel is the best fit for the trailer. Below is an analyse of the song.

The song begins with whistling and a slightly eerie vibe which i think would suit the landscape panning shot. The whistling suggests a sinister and creepy vibe. Primarily I will be using this song from 3:40 as this is where the song is most powerful.

We don't want that
We don't want that
We don't want that
Oh no

I can't, I can't, I can't go on without you
I can't go on without you, oh lord
Go on without you, ooh ooh
I can't go on without you babe

These are some of the lyrics for the song
'I can't go on without you' would suggest that Grey cannot move on without him getting his brother back. It implicates a tight bond between the two. There is also the suggestion that Grey cannot cannot survive without his brother and that they depend on one another to survive. If they lose one another then they lose the only person they can ever truely trust. 'We don't want that' could suggest that this is something thy have be desperately trying to avoid.

From listening i can definitely see it fitting into my trailer. Furthermore doing another survey will help me determine which song to use.